See How to Connect with New Audiences and Drive Results on Instagram

Facebook Business

Instagram is where people share and discover content they love, and this includes content from businesses. In a recent survey, 66% of people said they use Instagram because it enables them to interact with brands. “Project Instagram” by Ipsos (Facebook-commissioned survey of 21,000 people aged 13–64 in AR, AU, BR, CA, DE, FR, IN, IT, JP, KR, TR, UK, US and aged 18–64 in Japan), Nov 2018. This presents a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with customers and drive real business results. In a two-part study that surveyed over 21,000 regular Instagram users across 13 countries, our research found that Instagram does more than generate awareness—it drives sales. In fact, 54% of survey respondents recall making a purchase either in the moment or after seeing a product or service on Instagram. “Project Instagram” by Ipsos (Facebook-commissioned survey of 21,000 people aged 13–64 in AR, AU, BR, CA, DE, FR, IN, IT, JP, KR, TR, UK, US and aged 18–64 in Japan), Nov 2018. We took a closer look at the opportunities Instagram provides businesses and gathered the key takeaways for you.

1. Engage with your most valuable audiences

Instagram enables you to connect with a wide range of audience groups including specialized, hard-to-reach groups like non-TV viewers or daily Instagram users over the age of 55. But in order to capture your audience's attention and inspire action on Instagram, be sure to use ads and content that match the content people enjoy most on the platform. Try using ads that are short, relatable and custom-made for Instagram. Take the stories format for instance. People around the world love stories because they offer a creative, authentic and playful way to communicate, so put your brand where people are already sharing and engaging with content they love—in Instagram Stories.

2. Reach people at every stage of the shopping journey

Research shows that people use Instagram throughout every step of the shopping journey, and each of these moments offer an opportunity for you to move people through the funnel. You can promote discovery of your brand and products through hashtags, share testimonials and reviews to aid in research and help drive action when it comes to conversions by promoting an exclusive sale. 87% of survey respondents said that they took action after seeing product information on Instagram, so reaching consumers as they're shopping on Instagram can definitely help drive results for your business. “Project Instagram” by Ipsos (Facebook-commissioned survey of 21,000 people aged 13–64 in AR, AU, BR, CA, DE, FR, IN, IT, JP, KR, TR, UK, US and aged 18–64 in Japan), Nov 2018.

3. Create content that resonates with your audience

53% of people surveyed said they would follow a brand for the content alone, as long as it resonates with them. “Project Instagram” by Ipsos (Facebook-commissioned survey of 21,000 people aged 13–64 in AR, AU, BR, CA, DE, FR, IN, IT, JP, KR, TR, UK, US and aged 18–64 in Japan), Nov 2018. This means producing Instagram content that your audience enjoys is one of the best ways to build your following and gain customers. Research shows that most people on Instagram prefer authentic content to something that’s beautifully produced, so don't overthink your creative or aim for perfection, just be sure your content will capture and keep your audience's attention. Keep your brand and business relevant by staying on top of trends and customer behaviors, and engage with audience groups that are passionate about your brand or offerings by providing behind the scenes access to special events or everyday moments.

Check out the full report from Facebook IQ for more insights on how Instagram can help you engage with new audiences and drive results.

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