What we learned from testing two different types of creative against Facebook’s Lead Generation objective.

Loyal customers want to hear from brands they shop from —whether it’s signing up for newsletters, email subscriptions, or simply to request more information about a product or service. However, filling out lengthy forms take time —time that most people just don’t have. Enter Facebook lead ads.

With a few short clicks, you can serve users pre-populated forms, allowing them to fill in the blanks where needed. As an advertiser you not only want to generate leads, you want to use this as an opportunity to start a meaningful relationship. How better to do this than to learn as much about your prospective customer as possible through the use of customized forms.

There are a number of ways to customize your forms for quality leads. One way the AdParlor team has yielded meaningful results is through the use of dynamic ads. When it comes to capturing a user’s attention, relevant content is key. With dynamic ads, you are able to show users products they have engaged with directly from your site or on competitors’.

The below learnings can help you and your creative team save time building out creative, all while showing users relevant content.

Lead Generation: How testing between dynamic and static creative helped drive growth

illustration of envelope with letter and character standing in front to represent lead generation.

Objective: Our retail client was interested in better understanding what variables could help drive growth for their email lead generation program.

The Approach:  After examining the potential correlation between certain variables and spend, the AdParlor team identified that click through rates had the highest correlation to spend. This led us to further test creatives in order to understand how different creative iterations could positively impact the outcome of this program.

We split up the entire lead generation program into two halves:

  1. One half testing static imagery
  2. The other half testing dynamic creatives

We wanted to answer if more relevant creative would influence more users to sign up for our advertiser’s email program.

The Solution:  The performance for static creatives will go through more ebbs and flows —depending on how well the creative resonates with users. However, dynamic ads produced more consistent results throughout the entire testing period.

Overall, seeing how performance unfolded for both the static and dynamic ads further confirmed the notion that creatives can play a significant role in driving upper-funnel conversions.  

Results: When looking at dynamic ads compared to static ads we were able to successfully increase spend and determine that dynamic ads provided more efficient results. Results that overall lowered the cost per impression, a lower cost per lead and a higher click through rate.

If you have any questions on how you can improve your lead generation campaign, contact our team . We’d love to chat!

The post How to Drive Growth for Email Lead Generation appeared first on AdParlor.