A newly Facebook Creative Platform Partner, offering a technology to help marketers speed up mobile-first creative execution at scale.ale.

NEW YORK, NY – (For immediate release) AdParlor has become the newest addition to Facebook’s Creative Platform Partners line up. AdParlor offers sophisticated media buying and personalized creative services to help advertisers and brands drive results that matter.

With over 2.2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, consumer usage patterns and behaviors differ. Personalized creative ads are the key to Facebook ads’ success, which is why AdParlor developed Creative Blueprints, a technology which makes it easy for advertisers to quickly generate countless personalized and relevant creatives. One Creative Blueprint can generate hundreds, or even thousands, of ads personalized for each unique audience segment. With the click of a button, custom-made Creative Blueprints are full of elements that help advertisers understand what resonates with their audience.

“As one of Facebook’s first official Marketing Partners, we have years of experience working with
advertisers on optimization and targeting strategies,” AdParlor’s SVP Lauren Cody explains. “Over and over, we’ve seen even the most sophisticated advertisers struggle to personalize their creative to match their unique audience segments. Why go through audience analysis and segmentation if you show everyone the same piece of creative? Our Creative Blueprints are the perfect solution.”

Cody continues, “We aren’t eliminating the need for talented designers but are enhancing the value of creative agencies and in-house teams, so advertisers can spend less time editing and more time conceptualizing and designing. Creative Blueprints reduces the barrier to creative testing while also reducing the overall cost of creative.”

To learn more about AdParlor’s Creative Blueprints technology, click here.

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