Loyal customers want to hear from brands they shop from – whether it’s signing up for newsletters, email subscriptions, or simply to request more information about a product or service. However, filling out lengthy forms take time – time that most people just don’t have. Enter Facebook lead ads.

With a few short clicks, you can serve users pre-populated forms, allowing them to fill in the blanks where needed. As an advertiser you not only want to generate leads, you want to use this as an opportunity to start a meaningful relationship. How better to do this than to learn as much about your prospective customer as possible through the use of customized forms.

There are a number of ways to customize your forms for quality leads. One way the AdParlor team has yielded meaningful results is through the use of dynamic ads. When it comes to capturing a user’s attention, relevant content is key. With dynamic ads, you are able to show users products they have engaged with directly from your site or on competitors’.

The post Sunny case study appeared first on AdParlor.