Learn How to Master Marketing on Facebook with These Short Educational Videos

Facebook Business

We're committed to providing every business with the tools, resources and education they need to succeed on our platforms. That's why we're excited to share a series of educational videos from Blueprint, perfect for businesses that are just getting started with marketing on Facebook. These two to three minute videos will walk you through the steps of creating your first post, using Facebook Events to promote your business and more. Some topics we've covered include how to:

Get Started with Facebook Pages: Whether you have a new business idea or you're creating a Page for a company that's been around for decades, we can help you get started. In this series, you'll learn how to create a Facebook Page, add important business information to your Page, find new customers and more.

Create Your First Post: Learn how posts can help develop relationships with your customers and build a community for your business. We'll cover the different types of posts and how to build strong posting habits for long-term success.

Get Started with Ads: Learn how ads can help promote your business and reach new customers. We'll show you how to get started, how to set a budget for your ads and how to use insights to optimize your results.

Get Started with Events: Learn how Facebook Events can help you promote your business. We'll show you how to create an Event and share it with relevant people. Then you'll discover how Events can help you build your business, expand your reach, generate brand awareness and find new customers.

Get Started with Groups: Learn how Groups can help build awareness for your business and give you insight into what your customers want. We'll show you how to create a Group, manage it and plan Events for your Group.

Discover more videos, elearning courses and resources to help you master marketing on Facebook.

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